- create flipbook animations online!
{{Let me type<3 }}
11.05.2021 00:07
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please respect them, 1. don't start up drama on my account please<3 i really dont wanna deal with any of that 2. please be nice to others on my acc/my watch. they can easily block you and so can i now, 3. if you get inspired by me or use a file, please credit, i dont want you getting attacked and im pretty sure this is a rule for everyone, 4.if i say no need for credit on something, dont attack the person please 5. no using slurs on my watch :)) 6. no homophobia or transphobia on my acc, all other lgtb+ members are respected and should be proud to be themselves 7.please ask to remake something, dont just do it,, 8. no posting links on my account without asking me first if you can post the link. 9. dont advertise without asking me first, its annoying so i would rather have a choice to see it or not instead of someone shoving it in my face 10. dont shove your religion in others faces lease on my account. you dont know if others have a different religion or not
11.05.2021 00:08
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11. blacks are respected here along with all other races. and thats it, please respect these rules <3
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