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A let's talk 🦜
07.04.2024 08:00
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07.04.2024 08:05
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Two major things happened today There was a shooting outside my place of work And I almost got ran over Let's start with the running over part since that will be the shortest one. I was walking to work, and about three quarters of the way there is an intersection. I normally don't have much issue crossing, I wear a bright blue vest as part of my uniform so people see me and stop. Not this idiot! He slows down like he's GOING to stop so I keep walking (keep in mind the crosswalk sign said walk so I'm within the law) and he doesn't stop. He keeps going. I stop and I'm like, "What the hell?!" I was really close to his car, close enough to thump it (but I don't thump it because I value my life) So that's how I almost got ran over. Now for the shooting story, which will need another comment.
07.04.2024 08:11
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Keep in mind that I do not have all the details and will get them as police find details and release them to the public. As the story goes, an older gentleman was leaving the store that I work at with some snacks. Another man comes up to him and attempts to rob the old man, so the old man fights back (I assume). The robber pulled a gun out and shot the old man. I don't know if the old man is ok or not. They haven't caught the shooter yet. I was walking to work when it happened. I was actually late to work and got scared and then became even more late 😅. My boyfriend and brother tried to call me to make sure I was ok and to let me know of what happened but my phone is ****ing stupid and hung up on both of them. I need a new phone lmao. I'm still kind of in shock because of what happened but I'm ok. My poor coworker saw it happen though and is probably traumatized. I don't know much more than that. The store let us go home early and wouldn't count it against us (but we weren't paid for going home
07.04.2024 08:18
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Ran out of room lol) My managers gave a really weird speech about how the store cares about us (they don't) and then started fear mongering for some weird reason saying we could have been shot or something along those lines, it was ridiculous but eh. Anyway, I went home early and played video games and my boyfriend and sister were there to pick me and my brother (who works at the same place as me) up and take us home. The whole situation was very scary and I was very shaken and jumpy for the rest of the day until me and my boyfriend were safely at our house The area I live in is usually very safe but what happened today shattered my illusion of safety I'm a very paranoid person but I really thought we were safe and now I keep imagining shooters shooting me, or my boyfriend, or my family. It's very scary and I hate being paranoid, especially since I'm powerless and if something were to happen I'd freeze and not be able to do anything and it terrifies me. But we're all okay now and everyone (2/3)
07.04.2024 08:19
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In my circle is okay and safe, and that's all that matters. But yeah, that happened today lol
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