I don't get it.
08.02.2024 23:35
08.02.2024 23:40
LinkI don't know if I can call myself a therian or not. I might be. I feel it. It happens at certain times in certain places. And around other therians. For example, I went to visit my family for a reunion and just so happened my cousin was a therian. Polytherian, to be exact. Fox and bat. We went to the middle of a moss forest together and i practiced vocals. I howled. Like a mix between a fox and wolf howl. I felt more alive than ever. I felt like I was truly living in my natural habitat. The woods. Which is how I came to think one of my theriotypes is a fox. I've connected with foxes since I was little. But dont even get me started on wolves. For the longest time, before I even knew about therians, I deeply believed I could take the form of a wolf at night. One night, on a full moon, I sat outside and stared at the moon, waiting. I felt the wolf in me. Occasionally I'd howl, bark, or even just run on all fours in the night. The same feeling came over me, I felt like I was where I was meant to be.
08.02.2024 23:43
LinkI've come to believe I truly am a polytherian. Whenever I was in those woods, just howling my heart out, or when I was in the grass that night, just howling at the moon, or laying in that moss and calling to other therians, or when I was running through the forest glades. Acting like an animal feels natural to me. I've been doing quads since I was four years old I think?? But what really felt like me was when I was in the forest. With other therians, too. I wasn't alone. In my natural habitat, with those like me. I've genuinely come to think that I am a polytherian.