Rick Sanchez
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Gollihue Class Project 2
Eletarca (species)
07.01.2022 09:10
Linkspecies: Eletarca
status: closed species (for now)
anatomy: Eletarcas are huge creatures with usually bald bodies, they are hairless creatures. They are a little mix between cats and elephants. They have long cat like tails that are hairless except for the tip, where a little fur is. Some parts of the body can have small clumps of fur. They have semi-large eyes specialized for nocturnal activities, but they also roam in the day. They have large ears which allow them to hear danger or communicate miles upon miles away. They also use these ears by flapping them when they are happy/excited, or are cooling off. Tho not having a trunk like an elephant, eletarcas are mostly known for their strong muzzles. They have a very strong bite force and could kill you instantly without effort in the muscle, but lucky for us, they are quite gentle giants. females are typically smaller than the males. Eletarca paws are also known greatly for strength, but despite being part cat, they don't have claws!
07.01.2022 09:11
LinkThey use their paw pads as hoof like weapons when it comes to defending themselves or competition.
07.01.2022 09:13
Linkbehavior: Eletarcas, as i've said before are mostly known for being gentle giants, however, in some cases such as abuse, over working, or even mating season can affect their mood drastically. Males are highly aggressive unless trained and dealt with to lower and possibly end their hormone state.
07.01.2022 09:16
Linkhabitats: Eletarcas are known to live in warm climates, given the fact they are hairless creatures. Some species and depending on the eletarca, some may even be able to live in colder climates as cold as canada, but alaska and the poles would be a death sentance just waiting to happen. They prefer tropical areas although some groups can be found in open areas, if they are confident to ward off predators and rivals.
07.01.2022 09:19
Linkdiet: eletarcas usually focus their diet on mostly fruits and plants, they rarely eat meat but they would eat it if it was the only thing available.
07.01.2022 09:22
Linkintelligence: eletarcas are known to have a great memory, once they have gotten to know you, they remember you for the rest of their lives! This also gives people chances of emotionally bonding with these creatures, one of the downsides is that they wont forget easily, so if you push their favorite child over and come back several years later, ur done.
07.01.2022 09:25
Linkcolors: NO TROPICAL CRAZY COLORS!! These creatures are only known to have hairless skin so it is either any variety of gray, or grayish pink and can be piebald in these colors.
07.01.2022 09:32
no deformities or conditions like albinism or conjoined twins.
no changing anatomy, but this does not include scars/injuries
no crazy jewelry like piercings, rings, makeup what not these are ANIMALS not HUMANOIDS!! elephant show outfits are allowed and so are collars
no making them C O L O R F U L that will ruin the whole basis
if you want them to be truly evil character wise if you get a chance to create one, or get one from me, they MUST habve a good reason why, no saying "oh they were born that way" NO these are GENTLE beasts
I may add more if I need to lay down rules later on, for now questions can be asked