- create flipbook animations online!
31.12.2022 23:51
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I would first like to confirm , I am not siding with LoveMyBirds / Ambrella. For now, I'm going to call her Pian. I'm going to go through this in order. Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/LHkwOxE ----------------- What went wrong Pian started out with a countryhuman account, also known as -NaziGermany- , this is where her Hitler 'obsession' somewhat started, later on with a bit of time, when they had and probably still has and Oliver tree obsession, they say they were 'steryotyped' for being a nazi supporter / Hitler lover. Despite her being young through this obsession doesn't make it okay, she should learn on her mistakes with that. She didn't. She would say a slur, then her bio would say her pronouns are she/her or it/its, this slur is typically used as an insult for male lgbtq+ people. She said she also liked men which is .. literally being straight, so no, she wasn't gay. She would say gross things like ' Hi daddy ' , 'Hey daddy' and ect. Later on , 07/28/2022 They would sexualise them
31.12.2022 23:51
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12, I think? They would go on and use the R slur alot, confess to having a neo - nazi bf before and put Kai-Furrys face reveal as their pfp on discord, with no permission. She says she loves making people upset which- isn't really a surprise. They later on send to Kai-Furry again Nazi Germany hugging a pillow. 12/01/2022, would send Hitler pictures and call him a milf. 21/12/2022 Would send me suggestive hitler art. Pian was called out alot once she left, infering that people were scared of a user like her, I don't see why but I understand. I do not have any screenshots but I deserve to give an apology to Salty Marx and OmgOofTheOof for harassing you with Pian. It is completely not okay. How did they react? Pian reacted with telling people to cut themselves, post Kai's face with no permission. I am not okay with Kai saying this, but what Pian did isn't acceptable either. Extra : Told people to draw porn of her and oliver tree, she isn't 13 and has discord and is obviously extremely immature.
01.01.2023 00:01
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she's 13 rn, she was 12 not to long ago.
01.01.2023 00:02
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OH! Alright thank you
02.01.2023 01:20
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ok hi hello um im gonna plop this here so yall can check it out its long but its legit important -> anyways uh extra stuff so she is very very VERY pity person and will try to make you look like the worse guy ever just because she doesnt like you she will go as far as to get old stuff on you and then bring it back up so you seem like the worse person on earth and twist/add stuff that isnt even important she also doesnt care about no one. i hate to say it to the friends but im like 99% sure she talks shit behind all yalls back and then be "omg hi friend!" around you to make yall feel cared. when she doesnt have a use for you she will start a fight thing and try to make herself look like the hero she will threaten you with the shit she has on you if you dont do what she wants (saw this from alot of comments of people who dealt with her) i am legit brain dead rn but go check my anim if you want a big old info thing about me and my boyfriends side on this whole thing
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