ashamed of myself
11.09.2019 00:50
Linki feel like a disapointment
i feel like a mistake
i feel unwanted
i feel ignored
i just cant
holyheccs anim would make me feel better if cupid didnt come shit on me
im sososoososososososososoososososososososososososoososososososososososoossoosossososoosososososososososoososososososoososososososososo sorry
just go away please
aha! so you are looking for pity, rejecting advice thats actually trying to help you.
well if you dont want pity because itll make it worse, i bet you wont care if i just make another post on you?
if you know whats best for you and you dont wanna actually cry, youll quit the shit. youve got me pissed off and you KNOW how angry i can get.
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