I will slowly complete this


26.11.2018 18:52
LinkI'm posting this so early because it will take a LONG time to complete all the parts, if I even have the dedication to do all that!
Anyway, I'll be doing this https://orig00.deviantart.net/c525/f/2009/344/7/1/christmas_oc_meme_by_twilightruler.png full thing, here on FlipAnim obviously!

26.11.2018 18:59
LinkTime for me to talk about all of the characters, because I don't think anyone else would remember more than a few of these characters
1. Avery - from a webcomic I was going to write. Has telekinesis. Ran away from home, and now lives in a house with a lot of other random children. Basically a celebrity now. Sam is her best friend, Leah is her second best.
2. Sam - from the same webcomic. Avery's best friend. Also friends with Leah. An orphan from a young age. Used to be homeless. Has shadow related magic.
3. Leah - from the webcomic. Friend of Sam and Avery. Has a nice happy family, but she was old enough that she decided she wanted to leave. Has speed-related powers.
4. Quinn - a hunter OC for Supernatural (I create a lot of OCs). His whole family are hunters.Works with Sadie and Katelynn. I think I had Katelynn and him dating...?
5. Calla - RWBY OC. Has a florakinesis semblence. Lives alone, works at a flower shop, and doesn't hunt even though she could.

26.11.2018 19:02
Link6. Sadie - friend of Quinn and Katelynn. Became a hunter saved her, she became one too.
7. Katelyn - a hunter. Her parents are dead, she was raised by her uncle. Hunts with Sadie and Quinn.
8. Vanya - I don't have much on her. A forest elf. Obviously lives in the forest. Quiet, likes animals and nature, dislikes noise.
9. Jessica - old HP OC. In Ravenclaw.
10. Me - enough said!
Honestly I just like writing for no reason. That's why this is so long. It was fun to write!
And ugh I kept on misspelling Katelyn's name

26.11.2018 19:09

26.11.2018 19:10
Linkdam dam daaam