- create flipbook animations online!
Some of my OCs
22.06.2020 18:00
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Ok, so here is the characters and stuff about them: 1: Infimoose: The Pumpkin boy who is me. normally wearing a purple hoodie. Recently suffered a concussion cuz of El Macho Nacho, We'll get to him later. 2: Jerome the pig: This character was created when I had to do a Celtic art project in school last year, of course, the original was much better and had a much different design, but I was going to see my cousin in Portugal in a few days so I just drew a hog with swirls. My teacher hated it. I never let her let go of it. 3: El Macho Nacho: He's a Mexican pro wrestler. He worked in the independent scene for 2 years, before being signed by BBW- Battle Brawl Wrasslin'. He is now the BBW World champion. He also gave me a concussion earlier. 4:Jimmy: He can create these red flame things that increase his punching power, however, the more powerful his punches, the more vunerable to attacks he is. 5: Necro: Ok so, here's the thing, no one really knows where Necro came from. One day she just showed up at the moo
22.06.2020 18:03
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Part 2: moose house. She told us her name was Necro and she normally gats up at 3am and gets back home at like 10pm. She also has this robot arm, and she keeps stealing my hoodies. Ps: Jimmy: OWO
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