

02.12.2020 02:44
LinkJasper: *kicks the door down* I-... Get.off.of.her......N O W.

02.12.2020 02:45
LinkWilson: *he looks at him* oh and I just began my fun~
Ella: *she muffels and crys*

02.12.2020 02:47
LinkJasper: *he growled, barring his teeth* I said get the **** off her...

02.12.2020 02:48
LinkElla: *she trys wiggling out*
Wilson: *scratches her more* stop or your gonna get worse, tsk slut

02.12.2020 02:51
LinkJasper: .... *he stormed up to him and pulled him away, snarling* I’ll give you just a few seconds to leave....and if you lay another claw on her, I’ll declaw you... then I’ll shave your fur off... how does that sound...hm?

02.12.2020 02:53
LinkElla: *she fell of the bed and fainted*
Wilson: *he chuckles* fine, fine... but only for now~ *he teleports away*

02.12.2020 03:05
LinkJasper: .... *he turned to her and took off his coat, and gently wrapped her up in it, trying not to hurt her scratches and picked her up, carrying her out*

02.12.2020 03:19
Linkella: *she woke up shaking from being cold and hungry* j-jasper-r?

02.12.2020 03:43
LinkJasper: *he glanced at her* hm..?

02.12.2020 04:01
LinkElla: Im cold... *she shivered* and hungry... ow...

02.12.2020 04:06
LinkJasper: alright... *he walked to a car, opened the door and gently placed her inside, before closing the door and going around to get in himself*

02.12.2020 04:08
Linkella: *she turned up the heat* cozzy *she tried sitting* oww... my bottom is brused and clawed...and it hurts from his... *she tries not to cry again*

02.12.2020 04:12
LinkJasper: *he turned to her and gave her a sympathetic gaze,* sorry I wasn’t there sooner.. *he gently rubbed her cheek,*

02.12.2020 04:14
Linkella: its okay it was only 5 hours, I've been through much longer and worse... *her voice got quiter* ...

02.12.2020 04:17
LinkJasper: *his ears flattened as he looked down* ..

02.12.2020 04:21
Linkella: your the only guy that hasnt used me or tricked me... hopefully... I've said that to many other guys but I was wrong... even wilson we grew up together, as friends and we dated once and he even proposed but a few days before the wedding he become abusive and told me I'm just a toy and always will be...

02.12.2020 04:32
LinkJasper: *he growled* I hate disloyalty, and idiots like him reek of it... but I’d never...

02.12.2020 18:51
LinkElla: thats good to hear... never heard it before...