i like to have fun and play


16.12.2024 23:07
Linkliterally just animation practice with things i don't normally animate

16.12.2024 23:18
Linkalso the room in the beggining of the animation is a boiler room, that ALSO has meaning but i am notttt sharing publicly

I like when animations have underlying messages/meanings though at first glance it just looks like a cool art post
I really like the first segment with the red room with tubes in a weird way it reminds me of like red blood cells running through the body between arteries and veins
I like the interpret the medicated for your safety line to be talking about SSRI’s or psychological medications
it can feel like taking medications are for the benefit for the people around you and not actually for yourself

that goes hard as ****! the red tubes are more-so pillars holding up a room locatedin a lower level; a boiler room haha
the red and black is surprisingly "reality" in the animation,taking off the pastel glasses is basically like Taking my Hashtag NormalPills and stopping "playing pretend", ignoring whatever that would be around my when im not lucid (i am lucid curretnlybut it is not always) and the medicated for you safty is exactly what you guessed LOL, im surprised someone thought about the animation for more than "oh this is neat" if that makes sense, sorry my words are a tad bit jumbled i feel