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Chapter 28 - Warrior's Thunder
07.02.2021 09:01
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Chapter 28 Brisknose was padding on the lake’s edge. He was leading a patrol to Fadedclan. Fadedclan scent was heavy, a patrol was just there. Sounds of building and chattering could be heard. Can’t Fadedclan cats talk quieter? He thought. Tallpine sighed, and began to walk deep into the marshy land. “Gross.” Whipwhisker complained. Tallpine hissed as mud stained him, “This better be worth it.” “Would you rather have Meadowclan perish?” Brisknose snapped. “I mean… We’ll get more food… But, since Starclan is most likely watching me, no.” Brisknose rolled his eyes. “Let’s just get this over with.” He said as the Fadedclan camp came into view. Every clan cat was building and chirping. “You make the move,” Treeface breathed. Brisknose swallowed and stopped himself from folding his ears back at the sight of the muscular Fadedclan cats. “*Ahem*.” Specklepaw glanced up. “Uhhh…” Blacklion looked up from where he was laying on his back in the sun. “What’s going on?”
07.02.2021 09:01
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"Meadowclan is in danger,” Treeface said bluntly, "We need your help.” “They’ve been taken over by Shadowleg and a group of rogues.” Brisknose added. Mangledstar was talking with Berryeye when he heard this. “Shadowleg?” “Yes, Shadowleg. He’s evil, truly.” “Is there a patrol going to Leafclan?” “Yes, and we're meeting up at the island, where we have our gatherings.” Treeface nodded. “Alright. We’ll head there now.” Treeface nodded and broke out in a bolt. *** Brighttail, Jasperwhisker, and Shiningsilver were quietly padding on the pebbly beach of the lake. Jasperwhisker was the slowest as she was still in pain from the birth of her kits. She twitched her ears. “Do you think Leafclan will believe us?” “I would hope so.” Brighttail answered quietly. Rain began to fall down, snow began to flicker. The cats kept walking until they reached the long, high birch trees. Mushroomeye was on a single-cat patrol. Jasperwhisker couldn’t help to patter around excitedly, “Mushroomeye!”
07.02.2021 09:02
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“Jasperwhisker?” “Meadowclan needs our help.” “How come?” Jasperwhisker stared at her with wide eyes. Pain began to wept through her piercing pink eyes. She took a step back, “Brighttail, explain.” Brighttail began to explain to Mushroom eye about Shadowleg and the rogues. “So that’s where they went!” “What do you mean by that?” Asked kindly by Shiningsilver. “We were kidnapped by them.” "WHAT!?!” Jasperwhisker trembled. The black and white warrior nodded. “It’s true. It happened when we were taking Sunset back. Er- if you even know who that is.” Jasperwhisker gasped. “This is worse than I thought.” “Would you like me to take you to Hivestar?” “Yes please…”
07.02.2021 09:02
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Mushroomeye nodded. “Alright.” She turned around and began to pad back to the camp. The three Crystalclan cats followed. “Hivestar.” She called out as they came into the camp. Leafclan looked at them. Even the kits and Badgerpaw stared at them. The three cats were beading with some sight of worry. Ghostkit whispered to his mother, “What’s happening?” Whitesnow shook her head. “I’m not really sure.” Ghostkit winced and went back to suckling. It wasn’t soon until Hivestar noticed. “Mushroomeye?” She called with a stern voice. “Yes, Hivestar?” “What is the meaning of this?” “They say that Meadowclan is in trouble.” “How?” “Shadowleg and his rogues have taken it over.” The whole Clan stirred in uncomfortable silence, until Beedew hopped out of her den. “YOU HEARD THAT, STINGFOOT? I WAS RIGHT!” The medicine cat began to walk next to Hivestar, until an old friend battered her head. She was a pure white persion cat, with thick long hair and amber eyes. A Crystal bracelet wrapped her foreleg.
07.02.2021 09:02
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Brighttail blinked. “RUBYSTAR!?” “MOM!” Jasperwhisker practically tackled the elder. “Calm down! I ain’t dead yet!” She hissed, while licking her daughter. There was an awkward silence. Jasperwhisker purred, nuzzling in the warmth. Rubystar had allowed it briefly before jumping off. “I’m alive… Rougeclan had taken me after the storm when I was searching for Mistcore… Who’s dead.” Sunset padded out of the warrior’s den. “Who’s that?” “Brighttail’s mate… The she-cat he was planning to have kits with.” Rubystar frowned, “I’ve spoken to her, and she’s happy in starclan. She wants you to be happy.” The old leader nuzzled Brighttail. “I-I’m glad she’s ok.” Rubystar sighed. “Birdstream, and Redwing had drowned, too, and are all happy in Starclan… The best we could do for them is to fight.” “We’re going to meet at the island- where we have gatherings.” Shiningsilver added.
07.02.2021 09:03
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Hivestar nodded. The whole Clan was watching, “CATS WHO CAN FIGHT, GO TO THE ISLAND. BUMBLEFERN, MUSHROOMEYE WILL STAY HERE TO PROTECT THE NURSERY.” Mushroomeye huffed. “What? How come I can’t fight!” “I’ll stay here!” Badgerpaw huffed, “She was literally battered by Rougeclan cats! Let her shed them apart!” Bumblefern gasped, “That’s the smartest thing you’ve ever said.” Sunset nodded. “I’ll come too.” Bumblefern nodded, “Me too. I want to at least convince Dove one more time to be my mate.” Hivestar rolled her eyes, “Well… We need someone here to protect the nursery and elders.” “I will.” Sandfur mewed. “Anyone else?” “I can, I want to look after my sister.” Squeaked Gorsewood. “Very well. Beedew will also stay here. Bumblefern, you know herbs. Bring some with you.” “Got it missy,” Bumblefern nodded and grabbed a large leaf-size of herbs. “Let’s go!” Brighttail said, already racing off. ***
07.02.2021 09:04
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This was one of the biggest gatherings. Cats stood, no one dared to speak. They glanced at each other timidly as Leafclan arrived. Hivestar hopped onto the trees and yowled, “Cats! We must fight for Meadowclan!” All of the cats gathered yowled back. Then, Midget, Dirt, Crow, Shadow, and some other cats including rogues and loners, showed up. Crow spoke. “We’ve all been bullied by ‘Rougeclan.’” Midget nodded. Rubystar walked up, gasps filling around, “And kidnapped by them.” Bumblefern sadly twitched. “It’s time we fight!” Mangledstar yowled. “FOR STARCLAN!” Rubystar wailed. “For our kin!” Quartzfur hissed. “For our Clans!” Hivestar called. Swiftly, the leaders, and Quartzfur led their ways towards Meadowclan territory, marching. Sunset dropped in line behind Stingfoot. Stingfoot hissed and glanced at him. “Are you alright?” He asked. “I’m just fine.” “Good, because it’s your turn to fight along the Clans. ***
07.02.2021 09:04
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It was horrid in Meadowclan, as it became the daily routine. Applestar kept getting weird stares from clanmates, although it wasn’t HIS fault that he was named like that. He kept getting laughed at the rogues too. Shadowleg was on the high rock, basking in the snow and rain. Bearflinch was below him, grooming Ice. “Today’s pretty boring.” He said. “I wish someone would cause some trouble…” Bearflinch agreed. “I would make fun of Applestar, but I’ve done that already.” “And we’ve already bullied the medicine cats…” She mumbled, “We could go steal honey from Leafclan.” “That sounds like a good idea.” Ice stood up. Bearflinch followed suit and began to make her way to Leafclan. Suddenly, the stampede could be heard. “There they are!” Hissed Rubystar. Ice’s fur fluffed up. “HIDE! RUN!” He shouted to the Rogueclan and Meadowclan cats. Applestar twitched, “WHY?!” “Just do it!” He said, pushing him out of the escape tunnel on the backside of the camp’s wall.
07.02.2021 09:04
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Tallpine bolted out of the flooding of cats and grabs Ice's tail, biting it deeply. Specklepaw swiftly followed and bit his side. Ice swatted at them, hitting them both in the head. Flutterstar scanned the chaos. Cats were latching onto Rougeclan cats, clawing and hissing.Their eyes shot out looking for the leader: Shadowleg, but he was nowhere seen. Emeraldspeck ran into the camp. Bearclaw was scared, and leaped onto Emeraldspeck, not recognizing her, thinking she was a Rogueclan cat. It was a strong, young tom who bit Bearclaw off in the chaos. “STOP!” Cried Mossheart, slashing Bearclaw’s face, streaking it with blood. The tom flinched, then ran out of the camp. He was drowned out in the flood of raging cats. “MOM!” Mossheart jumped around to dodge the flying claws, and flew towards Emeraldspeck. He was much more skinner. Emeraldspeck purred, but then pulled away. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I shouldn’t have ran away like an idiot in the middle of a blizzard.” He blinked the tears away. “So- You forgive
07.02.2021 09:05
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me?” “I do, you mouse-brain.” Mossheart embraced her in a sweet nuzzle. Emeraldspeck blinked as Shadowleg started to run at them. Shadowleg smirked and called out a wicked laugh, giving his location away to all to see. “What do you want?” She hissed. “I just want something…” He tackled both of them at once, his strength was unbearable. “I know your little secrets.” All sorts of cats began to crowd them. Familiar faces were clouded everywhere with sprinkles of hostile cats. Eyes beated onto them. Willowdusk padded out of a den. “What’s going-” She stopped when she saw all. of the cats.” "CATS. THESE TWO MEDICINE CATS HAD BROKEN THE MEDICINE CODE!” Shadowleg’s voice was as chilled as the wind that crackled. Brisknose growled at Shadowleg. “What would you know, rogue?” He hissed. Shadowleg smirked, and began to draw his claws into their throats, “Emarldspeck is Mossheart’s mother.” Gasps came from the crowd. Sunset cocked his head. “What’s wrong with that?”
07.02.2021 09:06
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“Have the medicine cat explain!” Yowled a she-cat from the crowd. Their eyes were glued onto Emearldspeck, who was close to having a completely sliced neck. Emeraldspeck started to slowly explain the code to Sunset. “And what code did you break, Emearldspeck?” Shadowleg twitched his tail with evil intent. “I had kits with Heartclaw.” All of the cats gasped.
07.02.2021 09:41
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Chapter 29:
07.02.2021 16:35
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Is it just me or do i find these really entertaining and actualy read them and great story i dont know how you brain flows like that
08.02.2021 01:50
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Why thank you!
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