Lilypad's parents refs
06.08.2024 22:15
Linkvelet's wings match her hair I just forgot to color it
06.08.2024 22:21
Linkidk what to put for minty's cutie mark his job is making toothpaste lol
06.08.2024 22:22
Linkvelvet's job is growing exotic foods and selling them to big restaurants that's why her cutie mark is a mushroom that she found while hunting for her dinner with her parents
06.08.2024 22:31
Linki gotta redo their ages i didnt take account lily'pad's age
06.08.2024 23:04
Linkalr so updated gages:
velvet is 56 left when she was 32 and lily was 2
minty is 59 and he was 35 when hee cheated
they met when they where 20 and 23 while they where at a restaurant minty was rambling about his new job making teeth whiting tooth paste in different flavors and velvet was handing out drinks from the restaurant her mother owned. she accidently spilt a mushroom smoothy on minty and the rest is history