- create flipbook animations online!
personal opinion on new editor
12.01.2019 23:30
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i am aware it's still in development, this is just me pointing out what should be fixed. lemme type thanks
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12.01.2019 23:37
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move tools: glitchy and annoying to use. you can't undo them once you do it so you constantly have to copy frames incase you mess up. i also hate how rotating something moves it; it makes it hard to animate joints. layers: i was super excited to get layers! but the thing is, they suck. i tried to copy lineart, color then paste the lineart onto the coloring so the color and lineart would be easy to tween, but for some reason there were random erased marks on the color when i pasted the lineart. also, i hate how you can't control opacity. but i'll give credit for being able to move them. color picking: YES ****ING FINALLY, I CAN CHANGE THE ORIGINAL COLORS! you have no idea how annoyed i am when i have to use the black roll brush to get the dark green for salad's neck frill and tail, but here i can just go onto the dark green, copy the color code onto a color i don't need and make it darker! speaking of color code, i can actually use it now! i'm on a windows so it just went to the default color picke
12.01.2019 23:44
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-r, which was infinitely annoying because it actually ****ing sucks, but now i don't have to! yeet! this is probably my favorite part of the new editor, too bad everything else sucks imo tools: FILL BUCKET WHERE other than that the blue eraser thing is nice uwuuu autosmooth: nice at first but i want to be able to turn it off because it screws me over a lot more than it helps sometimes other notes: add a redo button you *****. also, make ctrl+z compatible again, i used that shortcut all the time and it's a big habit now. it was so annoying when i couldn't use it anymore. also, whenever i delete layers it always goes to an error screen, it's so annoying. overall rating: 5/10; effort was put in and it definitely has potential, but it sucks now so i don't care. old or new?: old. the new one is just way to glitchy and hard to use right now.
12.01.2019 23:34
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I must say, the whole autosmooth thing bugs me.
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