

21.01.2022 10:51
LinkI’m sorry for the way I used to act on here…
I sadly can’t make a new acc to get a new start so I have to deal w this one.
I was very insensitive in the past and I understand it may have hurt people.
I also apologize to my past crush on here… I was very guilt-trippy to them and I’m sorry.
I used to fake self-harm even though I never had, I understand that wasn’t a good thing to do.
I have lied abt my family/my situation to get sympathy and at the time I wasn’t getting much attention at home, but I know that doesn’t justify it. It was wrong of me.
Sadly, I can’t mass delete some of my old posts so here i am, making an apology…
I don’t know all of the bad I have done so if you pick up on me doing something insensitive, please inform me.

Just read this. But at an off chance you ever get back on here. We welcome you back with open arms. I for one, accept your apology. And I hope if you ever do end up back on here, that we can rekindle our friendship. It isn't you who has to apologize for everything during the past crush situation either. I apologize if I lead you on or made you feel lead on. It was wrong of me, and I should of been more clear with my intentions and feelings. We were both very young, although that doesn't excuse either of us, we can't give us too much grief for that. It's important we move on and grow.
So wherever you are, or whatever you're doing, I hope you're doing well.