.= Tweenzy Breezy =.
cuptoast my beloved
S.O.S..send help!! pt.6
Hello from MARS Kyzuki
MyStIcAl MoRpHiNg MaGiC
Ok so i did something wrong...
19.07.2021 13:20
LinkOk so this happen yesterday we had a dog over her name was stella so my father ask me to come outside to feed the chicken's (And yes we do have chickens) so i ran but stella was under me ok look I didn't know she was there so i accidentally kick her and I feel so bad for her :(. Ok story 2: So we had this another dog her name was Lucy! so she had 3 puppy's but i think 2 of them died so we are just left with a mech/Male puppy (And let me tell yo he is one ThIcCcC Puppy) SO i gave Lucy her food and then I step on one chicken (It wasn't an grownup but it wasn't a baby chick) and something is wrong with that chicken because its head/skull is showing and yeah thats all for now bye.
19.07.2021 15:39
19.07.2021 16:36
LinkYeah I'm crying just thinking about it TwT