Concept art


21.04.2024 23:46
LinkI know actual detectives don’t dress like this but it’s funny

21.04.2024 23:49
LinkJust remember this is featured

hard to not worry that this is how shit is just Going To Be, that ill never get taken seriously or be treated like a human being worthy of respect as long as i dont look like an onlyfans whore whcih i CAN NEVER FSCKING DO because of broad shoulders and square jaw and small chest and EVERYONE FSCKING DENIES I EVEN HAVE THOSE TRAITS. it feels like genuine actual not twitter gaslighting i observe something about myself and get treated like i have that trait then i express that i have that trait and everyone goes NOOOO YOU DONT in that way that they gas up trannies who walk into starbucks and they don't want to get assaulted. its so dehumanizing to get treated on the same level as a hon with programmer socks what did i even do to deserve this shit. cut my hair? wear pants and oversized tees? im not even that butch all things considered im mostly just being treated like dirt for the crime of not having huge tits

Yeah like that’s how gender works there’s things that fit into one identity and then the other if you dress and act as a stereotypical idealized vision of a man Ppl will probably see you as a man
Don’t dress like a man and ppl probably will stop calling you one
Or is that like crazy to wrap your head around bc you think gender is this deep given to birth trait that has so much culture and understanding a FAKE woman can’t just dress femininly and be one
I mean yeah gender has history and culture but
Yeah gender can be simple too dress like a girl be treated like a girl

didnt wanna chain but also why does she feel the need to bully children? i remember her bullying me for animating bad when i was like 9-10

I like the concept art!!! and on the discussion going on I really think that user has no empathy or sympathy towards anyone. I think she's surrounded herself with hate so much that the only thing she can think of doing is spitting venom at the first thing she deems bad.

I’m still wishing on her speedy recovery maybe if she leaves whatever circles she’s in and meets irl trans ppl she could change her mind
Imagine she started knowing this woman and befriended them only for them to be trans
I wonder how she would react?
But this rambling this hate seems deeper rooted then that