
Rainbow dance


Father-Son Kamehameha


chunky juice

My new profile picture. Nya!
Important info for my frens-


14.05.2021 23:07
LinkYou know who you are so like- I think I'm gonna take a break from ppl for a little bit so I just like won't be on much and I'm not gonna be talking to much cuz I realized I need some time to help myself and be around a good environment with a lot of support and shit- which is what my old friends helped me see is that it's OK to take time for myself and just take a break from everyone, they really have helped me a lot and I've known them for years and thru those times when we talked I felt like I could breathe and not worry. Me and them never fight and we're never mad at each other, we listen and trust each other which means so much to me so I just wanted to let yall know I'm gonna chill for a bit until I feel like I'm ready to come back and talk just a little bit of time for me and my mental health to get better. My friend I think is going to help me improve on myself and hopefully make me a better person bc she is lowkey the best person I've ever met and she is beyond supportive, I can't thank her enough.

14.05.2021 23:08
LinkBut yeah I'm going to be on today for a few minutes to say bye to everyone and idk when I'm gonna be back ig when it feels right and when I feel like I can handle it.

14.05.2021 23:11
LinkShe helped me see I'm not in the best spot rn and I need to get away from it at least until I feel like I'm not gonna cuss everyone out bc I'm so pissed otherwise that would be shit

14.05.2021 23:15
LinkPretty much every part of my life sucks except the part involving her and them so I'm so grateful to have them back mainly her, she's honestly so amazing and once I'm ready and if she's ok with it I can introduce yall but if not then maybe we should all just take a break and chill. If you want to talk to me a little more then hangouts or snap or insta is good but I'm still gonna take a break so I can learn to deal with shit instead of covering it up and dealing alone when I don't need to. If I don't want to talk to u but u want to talk to me then I'm just gonna ask if we don't talk for a while if u do and I wanna talk to u ask for whatever we can talk on cuz why not. I'm pretty much just gonna talk to people I feel can help me and help improve myself and them without drama