08.09.2019 05:17
LinkI'm 15 and taught myself to draw when I was 10.
My dad is very artistic so I get that from his side. He just wasn't home to teach me since he was always working to support everyone as my mom didn't work while they were together and I have 3 bio brothers. Our styles are incredibly different for that reason! His is very cartoony (big eyes/nose. Very exaggerated )
I was born on a Friday the 13th during a hurricane!
I was in honors classes for a while. I didn't like how we were expected to know everything after one problen do I just went to normal classes.
I actually hate art history classes with a burning passion. I don't know why, I just do.
I used to hate cats.
And I ****ing LOVE anything minty
08.09.2019 05:23
LinkAlso, I have a southern accent when I'm thoroughly pissed off.
It actually came up out of nowhere today though and it was super thick. (Georgia Southern. I spent my first 5 years there.)
I actually have a hard time speaking. I mix up letters in a word and don't even notice. I also don't pronounce certain sounds right and most of the time my voice gets very soft.
Infact my voice changes when talking to certain people
With strangers, it's super soft and gentle.
With my close friends, it's either high pitched or gets really deep and I do that one weird smirk thing