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User Promagmatransphobic
Follow | 50
Registered: 31.01.2021
Latest comments
02.02.2021 21:28
And i recommend yoou make a post about this, i doubt lots of people will see you commenting on a few accounts. ^ You shouldn't state what you were sent specifically as your audience are children, just say you were sent a nsfw video
02.02.2021 21:24
Youve learned your lesson and that's that, i hope more people understand.
02.02.2021 21:23
Understandable, you are someone with thousands of followers so it makes sense you would have answered everyone without thinking too much. And I'd just like to say, Yes. Racism is so dumb no one chose their color aha - I forgive you, you seem like a actual cool person if i'm gonna be honest, Maybe we could DM sometime? I have discord. And you're welcome, it was nice hearing you're not actually a bad person, Everyone deserves to give out their side. No one deserves to be sent those things without consent, especially as a minor. I hope you've stayed away from them. And no i'm not, i'm someone completely different lol
02.02.2021 08:25
Not simple i mean original- see what i told ya, im rlly,tiref
02.02.2021 08:24
And loll, knew it i just referenced your birthday post :P your actual character is probably more simple, IG this was a better placeholder for me to draw
Animations (5)
3 years ago
You're valid.
3 years ago
Poor apology,
3 years ago
you truely disgust me, Magma<3
3 years ago
Promagma is transphobic, proof
3 years ago