Ill see you when your old and gone. <33 I love you forever and always, but you don't need me. Just love yourself and keep on the path you're on.. Im proud of you.
01.01.2020 19:46
Truth hurts. Im trying to work on myself, I don't think my mental state is really doing good though. I might die trapped in myself, I might actually take it to another limit and do something bad.. But im trying not to. But I just might. I cant promise I wont, but i can promise I'm trying.
And Melanie.. I love you.. im sorry for everything, it's all my fault and I realized that before you even said that.. I wish you could hear how sorry I am.. I wish you could see how sorry I am in person. But you cant..
Goodbye, until you get old. I hope you don't die from diabetes I hope its from old age at least. I want you to live a long and happy life and dont come back to me ever.. Im proud of you, I always was.