Day 2 of the hunger games
26.07.2019 02:31
LinkWEARWOLF searches for firewood.
LunaMidnight sprains her ankle while running away from Undertale15 .
clearsky makes a slingshot.
Hollyleaf321 thinks about home.
no-username camouflauges herself in the bushes.
Stupid-furry begs for StuffIsWay to kill her. She refuses, keeping Stupid-furry alive.
forestthekangaroo is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
TacoChips and XxSam-The-Furry11xX hunt for other tributes.
xXXAmberMoonXXx fishes.
inksaforever sprains her ankle while running away from Ethan-Bean .
Trin249 silently snaps TheUnknown17 's neck.
NaluIShip defeats dsaf-is-a-good-game in a fight, but spares her life.