Thanks for 300 <3

three finger salute

Darth Vader Star Wars

Bye Bye!


.~II make a wish II~.



30.09.2021 00:57

30.09.2021 01:04
LinkYour oc was at the theme park. There were no people, but your oc had been sent to fix a animatronic..? Your oc entered the park. It was old, and dingy, and the lights were flickering. Your oc looked around, and found the Animatronic. Your oc went to take her back panel off, and started to fix the wires. Then, she moved.

Jasmine jumped a little, asuming she just did something weird with the wires she kept working, muttering something in greek

Only one person fit for the job 🤩🤪😜
Mike walked around the mysterious entrance of the theme park, he didn’t bother wearing an illusion disk since he thought it’d be a quick fix. Most were. He figured he was doing no good just sitting around so he went to explore, no harm done.

“Odd..but nothing I cant work with.. the person didn’t mention the carousel.” He just had to focus on Dahlia and he figured he’d be fine. Mike tried to see where Dahlia was but the fog was getting to him. He already had trouble seeing with the vignette in his eyes. He yelled out “Hello..!? Anybody here???”

He looked at Dahlia knowing he was gonna regret what he was about to do, he took his mask off and brushed his hair over a little so she could see his face more clearly. It had a bunch of scars and it was dark purple, not the typical mechanic. “I’m a little used to the whole ominous circus carnival thing with creepy animatronics. I’ve been in a lot of situation consisting off inconvenience and death it’s just no longer phasing to me.”