Stormy Day


31.05.2020 19:30

31.05.2020 19:30
LinkFirst off, big thanks to Bllue for giving me tips!

31.05.2020 19:30
LinkAzalea was once quite the normal caracal. She was born at the oddest of times, during the midst of a raging storm, and was the only surviving cub of the litter. Her other siblings were either still-borns, or just too weak to survive in the world. However, Azalea thrived. At a young age, she showed an odd knack for gardening, and by the age of 10, she could sprout plants straight up from the ground at will. This power, though, could do good and evil, as most powers can. She was the cause of the death of her parents. One day, Azalea was walking out in her garden with her parents, passionately going on and on about all of the kinds of plants she grew, how she grew them, and what they could do. What Azalea didn’t know at the time, was that her powers could grow stronger or weaker depending on her mood. At this time, Azalea was extremely ecstatic about her plants, and she didn’t notice that as she was talking about pointing at her parents, plants were curling around their legs, creeping up their backs, and-

31.05.2020 19:31
Link-tightening around their necks. Azalea went on and on about her plants, never realizing that her parents were turning blue, to purple, and then fell limp at her feet, dead. She had killed them. Killed them with her powers. From that day, Azalea fell into a severe state of depression, and then into a bout of hibernation. Why hibernation? Because of all the guilt and sadness, Azalea’s powers faded during that period of depression. She didn’t have a will to live anymore. Why should she have powers if they could kill as well? A week after the killings, Azalea just crumpled to the ground one day — and fell into a deep slumber. (I’m still trying to smooth this part out, I’m kinda making this up as I go)

31.05.2020 19:31
LinkSix months later— Yes, six months later— Azalea woke up from her hibernation. The guilt had faded away, somehow, and she’d forgotten about the death of her parents. It was as if that memory had been wiped from Azalea’s mind! Her powers were back, stronger than ever, and she was the same old Azalea, except, happier. There was this one odd thing though... some flowers had somehow grown into her hair and tail, and oddly enough, there were spikes on her left paw!

31.05.2020 19:31
LinkI’m still figuring why they grew there, but they’re symbols. The spikes and flowers grew there in remembrance of her parents. The flowers on her hair in tail are in remembrance of her mother, who would always place some plants in those places (often azaleas) as a nice decoration on special days. The spikes. Those are in remembrance of her father, who had shining, extremely strong blue claws that could chop off a tree branch. They give Azalea strength, courage, and somehow reassure her in a way.

31.05.2020 19:32
LinkOne other thing, Azalea now has blank places in her memory as she can’t remember the deaths of her mother and father.

31.05.2020 19:33
LinkWAIT SO SHE HAS A LAUREL WREATH It’s on her ref sheet but I didn’t put it in the drawing - The laurel wreath is what she was wearing during the time where she accidentally killed her parents (she was showing them her garden). She never took it off, even during her state of depression. Azalea keeps it because uh, it reminds her of her parents somehow?? I think she has some kind of special connection with them through it, even though she just doesn’t remember how they died. Obviously she still has memories of them

31.05.2020 19:33
LinkAzalea Ref

31.05.2020 19:33
LinkI thought of this whole backstory thing as I went!! I’m proud of that, as I didn’t have a plot in mind before-hand, at all! It also came to me while I was drawing the scene for this because someone suggested a .... storm sort of theme. That’s also why this may not make sense in some places/may be super rough 😅

31.05.2020 19:35
LinkFor this contest

31.05.2020 19:45

01.06.2020 18:24
Link*and pointing at her parents
Whoops sorry I was typing fast