bit scared for secondary.
25.07.2019 21:50
Linkbasically high school if you didnt know
info about my school
its girls only (there is gonna be a few cat fights i guess)
they are VERY strict about uniform and attendance
never experienced lockers before and never had to go from classroom to classroom
tbh im a bit scared since you go into a new school and meet new people and my stupid social anxiety is gonna tear me apart kfkekdkrkfkek.
25.07.2019 21:53
LinkHonestly i wish I was at your school hhh
25.07.2019 21:55
Linkdon't worry too much about it
you'll get used to it, i had issues going into middle school (im in the usa, idk if you have that) and we have lockers. i was scared that i wouldnt know how to use them, but i got used to it
don't worry, you'll fit in :)
25.07.2019 21:55
Linkwhat do you mean by that? is there something wrong with a recent school/one your going to?
25.07.2019 22:02
Link*makes off to sea meme with corner from cyber bullying*
25.07.2019 22:26
Linkno, i just was stressed out and had anxiety. i think thats what youre going through and a few other things, but you'll calm down within the first few weeks I think