Everyone do the Barry dance!



Stary Eyed


ItsMartin in Color

Experience Tranquility XD
always shot down


11.04.2022 00:12
Linkyou ok?

11.04.2022 00:13

11.04.2022 00:14
Linkah shit, sorry m8 :(

11.04.2022 00:16
LinkI've just. It's one thing after another, so much stuff I have to do. School supplies, and stuff I need to find, art I have to finish, I'm a bit overwhelmed. And tired, I have not been sleeping well. And on top of that, my obsessive love emotions are coming back, and so yeah. I'm just ugghghhgh

I still have so much stuff I have to do.
Also, I'm getting really stressed about stuff uhh I'll just...
@fireminx13, I do have the concept for your custom, I just have to finish the sketch and lineart and such. It's gonna be a clowncore hyena, if that appeals to you. I think you'll like it.
@vampireculture, I'm done with the sketch and the background sketch, I just have to do lineart and coloring and shading and... there's a lot, I made sure it was detailed and pretty. The color scheme is gonna be mostly red black and white, just you know, different shades.