- create flipbook animations online!
13.05.2021 13:16
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alright girls this is my smilingnyan flavored post. but instead of insulting trans people and being ableist im insulting ableist enablers sorry in advance for how mean this is probably gonna be, but you know what? i'm exhausted with these people, im tired of seeing this and im sure anyone who's dealt with these people is tired of this too. this is partially me dumping my thoughts and partially like a. callout post 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 sounds evil when i put it like that but i dont know what else to label it lol. not going 2 be mentioning any names other than the three big ableist users ive kill bite bite kill kill bite kill bite'd in the last few months but just know that if this post DOES apply to you. **** you. personally
13.05.2021 13:16
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going to preface this with the fact that i know my methods aren't the best, i know im an asshole, and i know i could, theoretically, be nicer about this shit. i get that people get hurt like this and i get that im not the best person for doing what i do, but i need you to understand that 1. due to mental illness probably i just do this automatically and i dont see another viable option for getting people to listen to me in the first place, and 2. i feel like i have to if i want it to actually be talked about. nobody is going to listen to me if i sit here and twiddle my thumbs and ask nicely for promagma to not use the rslur in an ableist way, or ask bobodaedaedude to stop,,, being ableist not gonna pinpoint a specific thing in that can of worms because there's a lot of worms, and im not gonna ask smilingnyan to stop using 'insane' and 'sociopath' and 'unstable' as insults.
13.05.2021 13:17
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you wanna know why? because not everything can and should be should be solved over tea and cookies. and i cant always not do things that dont make me look like an asshole. and you know what, despite what you people think, that surprisingly does not put me on the same level as my oppressors. crazy thought, i know, that being a ***** doesn't equate to using slurs, normalizing hate against minorities, speaking over them on their own oppression and/or ignoring them when they tell you you are doing so, and then claim to not be an ableist despite the fact that every nd person you've seen is telling you you're an ableist
13.05.2021 13:17
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how ****ing dare you claim im somehow on the same level as the people speaking over me and tons of other nd people on an experience that we know and they don't. do i not have the right to be mad? do i not have the right to fight back and defend myself and my community? if not, heyyy nice job trying to silence us, and if yes, then why the **** are you getting mad at me, or people like me? boo hoo, famous flipanim user ableist oppressor 3 is experiencing the consequences for his actions and being rightfully called out. guess we should all collectively ignore the fact he's a massive ableist and instead go after the people he's oppressing and insulting just because they're being mean. it's like going
13.05.2021 13:17
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"oh, you shouldn't have punched that guy who came up to you on the street and tried to beat the shit out of you on the street for no reason, that was kinda mean of you. did you try asking him to stop? did you try just ignoring it? why are you making such a fuss about this? you're still alive. snowflake snowflake snowflake."
13.05.2021 13:17
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how much abled privilege do you have to have to tell me that the oppression and the hate that my community is facing every day on this site because of how normalized famous users like bobodaedaedude and promagma have made it, isn't actually a big deal? or that it's just "drama"? IT'S SLURS! IT'S OPPRESSION! IT'S HATE AND BIASES BUILT OFF OF THIN ****ING AIR! i get to get up every day knowing that somewhere on this site children are learning to hate people like me and oppress people like me because of these people, and im supposed to sit down and take it and ignore it in the name of "being the bigger person" or some bullshit? im supposed to ignore it and move on when these people specifically target me or my friends? just so i dont look like an asshole?
13.05.2021 13:17
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I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF I LOOK LIKE AN ASSHOLE, I'VE BEEN DOING IT SINCE I FIRST STEPPED INTO FLIPANIM. AT THE VERY ****ING LEAST I'M DOING SOMETHING TO TRY AND HELP PEOPLE! what the **** are YOU doing to help my community, telling us to not fight back? what are you doing to stop the rampant ableism on this site? or hell, even any other kind of oppression on this site- racism, antisemitism, transphobia, all that shit? god forbid you apply the mindset you have for dealing with people like me to the people who fight against this stuff.
13.05.2021 13:18
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you're not helping anything (unless i guess you are trying to talk abt this quietly bc then i Do think you have the right to judge me and be mad at me more than others and even call me out on this, but like <3 still **** you if you try to derail me for this shit). you're a bystander sitting on the sidelines trying to take a neutral stance, trying not to get involved in any "drama", right? when in reality you're just enabling the oppressors on this site and silencing the people fighting against them just because we're not holding a tea party. do you seriously think that going up to someone who's a racist and telling them "hey, stop being racist, that's bad" they'd listen? a lot of ****in people will hear they're doing something to oppress any minority and, no matter what tone they hear it in, they'll deny it and get defensive and not listen.
13.05.2021 13:18
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i'm not gonna sit here and be nice to someone who refuses to stop using slurs from my community that they can't reclaim and then watch them say they're not ableist. it drives me up the wall that oppression on here (especially when it's not lgbtq oppression as that seems to be the only one that gets treated semi-correctly but that might just be me) is so normalized that so many people can say, casually, to my face, that fighting because i'm mad at people who oppress my community and fighting because i don't ****ing feel like many other people would. it is an amazing show of blatant apathy towards the problems that people around you face and it is the privilege of never knowing what it's like to experience this and it's the privilege of not having to worry about people saying this and people hating you and your loved ones and your community for no reason.
13.05.2021 13:18
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you people absolutely disgust me. you ACTUALLY want to help instead of being a shitty enabler? support the people who are dealing with this. learn to speak out on the oppression that effects the people around you. i'm not asking you to sit here and fight to the death over slurs with me, i get that's exhausting to be around and exhausting to do and hell, i get if you want to step back from me or unfollow or whatever. i do! i get that my methods aren't the best and that i could theoretically do things better (in my mind at the expense of effectiveness).
13.05.2021 13:18
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but instead of criticizing me for rightfully being an asshole to the people who are normalizing slurs maybe act like you actually support us and give comfort to the people dealing with this, at the very least. you can be mad at me for my methods all you want, and again you can call me out on this, but the moment you start to equate me to the people i'm doing it to or, hell, even act like somehow i'm More in the wrong than they are just because i'm mean and i make a lot of posts about things that personally affect me and mean a lot to me? **** you.
13.05.2021 13:23
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correction "..that fighting because i'm mad at people who oppress my community and fighting because i don't ****ing feel like many other people would [makes me horrible and worse than the people who are hurting my community every day.]"
13.05.2021 13:32
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anyways no, side note! if it wasn't a big enough indicator as to how big this problem is, remember those three big ableist famous users i mentioned? smilingnyan, promagma, bobodaedaedude? in that order. these people have showed up every time (admittedly less for smilingnyan, you guess why <3). also again all of these people ive encountered and dealt with in the last few MONTHS. all of these are recent. even the oldest one im still talking about occasionally. and all of these users have 1500+ followers. all of them are reasonably close (or over, in promagma's case) 2000+ followers. you have no right to tell me this isn't a problem. the only reason you think that is because it doesn't directly affect you.
13.05.2021 13:24
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you're right. you're right, and your anger is well merited. they don't listen to reason, and they won't ever even try to. want to know why? because they want to. their ableism benefits them, so they don't care. they don't understand, because the effects of it aren't inflicted back onto them. they don't understand, and they don't care to. if they did, like they claim, then they'd simply stop. this site is full of bullshit, no matter which corner of it you're stuck in. the people? they're full of it, too. and they like that, and they don't want to change because they've never known anything else. but just because your family is ableist, doesn't mean it's okay for you to be. it's not an excuse. it's just a shitty ****ing explanation that's filled to the brim with bullshit just like everything they say is.
13.05.2021 13:31
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i'm actually- i'm actually smiling i'm so happy that someone is finally pointing this out holy **** i agree with this so much and i'm furious about it to (probably not as much as you but hh)) and jesus christ i want to talk about this but i'm a wuss and i'm afraid someone will rant on me like it's the end of the world jesus christ i think i'm crying now
13.05.2021 13:32
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GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD ****ING GOOOO OFFFFFFFF SALAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO OFF THEO GO ****ING OFFFFF!!!!!!!! THIS IS. LITERALLY EVERYTHING IVE EVER WANTED TO SAY BUT PUT INTO ACTUAL WORDS... to add on: i dont want neurotypical people to see this and feel pressured to be the "perfect ally". there are no perfect allies. someone whos privileged will never truly know what its like to be the minority. so they will never be a perfect ally. there is no such thing as a perfect ally. but listening to us is honestly the best thing you can do. listening, apologizing and adapting is the best thing privileged people can do to help minorities. the r slur has become so normalized in media that many people think its not a slur and may have only recently learnt that it, infact, is one - and thats perfectly understandable. but please. if SEVERAL neurodivergent people tell you its a slur - its a slur. do not ignore neurodivergent people. do not even ****ing SAY that your shitty justification-
13.05.2021 13:32
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to use a literal slur is just your opinion. if you have to justify saying a """word""", then its probably not just a word. then it probably has years of oppression and history behind it. then maybe its an important """word""" that means a lot to a minority. and maybe. just maybe. that thing is called a slur and is something you shouldnt say since you cant reclaim it. we do not care that you didnt use the word against the minority. complain about getting "cancelled" all you want. this isnt cancellation. this is owning up.
13.05.2021 13:34
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^^^^ also even if its not a slur somehow. the definition of the rslur is still ableist if used in a derogatory way. it's still shitty to call someone that and its still been weaponized against us and its still not ok to say it infront of us if we say it's not ok to say in front of us. refusing to stop saying it just because you don't want to.... is abled privilege
13.05.2021 13:55
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i dont. wanna chain so ill just say it here but bbddd... "Will I stop saying the word completely? No. Unfortunately, I will still say it to objects or games I am frustrated with. I was raised this way." this is the definition of being a privileged ass. bbddd. this is the thing we keep explaining to you. its a slur. you cant say it. you HAVE to get it out of your everyday vocabulary. if you REALLY wanna support us and if you REALLY see us as human: there are ""words"" you HAVE to had to drop from your everyday vocabulary. this ""word"" is harming the community that you allegedly support.
13.05.2021 13:34
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13.05.2021 13:34
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Nono, you're 100% correct and have a reason to be mad. People wont listen and take ableism seriously because it doesn't effect them, and it sucks that people just sweep it under the rug! It's really ****ing sad that people don't care and aren't willing to see how ableism actually ****ing hurts people. You were attacked and you have every right to fight back! People may say "its worthless drama", which is ****ing lies. People need to take non LGBT+ oppression seriously on this site, this site is a shithole. There is no excuse for what those three have done, an explanation perhaps, but they really need to understand that what they did is wrong, and change! And I agree, I doubt anything will change if people just try and talk over tea and cookies. People need to know that there are consequences to their words. Please take care of yourself though, I feel like you are pretty stressed rn. <3
13.05.2021 14:00
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"Bobodaedaedude13.05.2021 13:50 i'm not deciding what is or isn't. i'm telling you i was taught it wasn't" i couldn't care LESS ABOUT WHAT YOU WERE TAUGHT. i was taught to hate gay people ??? hello??? Do i now? NO. BECAUSE THAT IS NOT RIGHT. ifit is not morally right, i dont care who taught you,dont??? do it??? like a bet a whole TON of people a few dacades back were taught to hate people other than their own. is it right? No. did people put effort into trying to learn to be better people and not be racist?? yes, because it is the right thing to do;; i know im not wording this right at all but god;;;;;;;;;;; do you hear yourself ???? @Bobodaedaedude
13.05.2021 14:01
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^^^^^^^^ god thank u
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13.05.2021 14:04
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its not??? just dislike??? holy god thats like calling someone getting kicked out of office "cancel culture"
13.05.2021 14:04
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you said u were taught that using an ableist slur is ok. that is being taught to be ableist
13.05.2021 14:05
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also yeah no wait saying dislike like that...... promagma trans onions moment?
13.05.2021 14:05
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i thought you said onision and honestly promagma x bobodaedaedude x onision fanfic would be killer
13.05.2021 14:06
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this is true this is true
13.05.2021 14:07
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THANK 👏 YOU 👏 You are absolutely 100% correct about this Truly sickening how people use a slur thinking its "just a word" It is not "just a word" Its something that ****ing hurts people everyday and people like bbddd act as if nd people should be fine with the r slur It's just sickening
13.05.2021 14:31
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you did what smilingnyan-chan could've done with her talents, you're a hero
13.05.2021 16:01
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the “i was taught that r slur was okay” or “i was raised in an ableist household” isnt a valid excuse :| because guess what..? i was raised in an ableist household too. they said slurs ****in RELIGIOUSLY whether it be out of anger or toward me. but y’know what? im not ableist. i was raised with ableists yet im not. its not because im nd—because at the time i didnt know shit about myself—but because i learned from other people, and further experience, why saying those “””””””words””””””” were wrong. you can change youre ways??? you can. its not that hard to drop a single word that harms an entire minority. and you wanna know what else? its ****in ableist to try to talk over that minority because your silencing the group whom have experienced that ableism, maybe even everyday? you dont get to decide what is or isnt ableist because youre (what im assuming?) an nt. the r word has been used as a slur for years and it still is. “i listen to the community, i support it” you arent supporting OR listening to us if—
13.05.2021 16:02
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—you choose to still say a harmful slur that MANY have told you not to. stop trying to make the decisions when you arent in the community? maybe? just a thought. anyways. the r slur is a slur. if youre an nt and you use it, youre an ableist. youre adding on to the oppression by not listening to the minority. thats final :|
13.05.2021 16:02
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holy shit i sound like a mother
13.05.2021 16:20
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wait i just read the whole thing. uhhh ignore this if you would /lh
13.05.2021 16:27
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nevermind sheeeeeeeesh :|
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