Name in comments
08.12.2020 23:35
LinkWhat is your favorite drawing of mine? Attach it in this anim
Hi my name is scarletta moon i'm 13 years old my powers telekinesis fire invisibility and of course flying my father is count Dracula and when i become 30 years old i will be the next vampire queen of the vampire realm and my mother died when i was born my father is still alive he is 5,367 years old in his vampire years so i can even turn into a vampire bat i have a necklace around my neck so white is for normal but when i go really angry I and can't control my blood thurst i loose control of my self and become a blood sucking vampire and my eyes turn red so then i calm down my nerves to go back to my normal self when my necklace goes from red back to white on my necklace so that's all you need to know about me i'm scarletta moon bye😉😉😉