05.02.2022 06:00
LinkI feel like all my friends hate me
I feel like everyone I'm close to only hangs around because I provide love and affection
I've actually seen two of my friends talking about me behind my back
one openly says that I'm annoying
two of my friends barely even want me to sit by them
one of my "friends" always says "oh god" when I show up to class
only two of my friends actually shows me affection, and even then I feel like it's out of pity
05.02.2022 06:02
Linkthe two that talked about me are currently ignoring me for being offline for two weeks
one's mad because I missed her birthday, which was out of my control, another is ignoring me for whatever reason
on flipanim it isnt any better, none of my friends react to my posts unless it has something to do with them
I feel like nobody in this earth cares about me, aside from family