Fuck Fake People (Look below)
23.01.2018 01:25
A lot of people these days that you all (Including me) label as friends might not really be your friends. I let this one reallllly nice, funny, cool guy into my life (Let's call him... Alex) - (NOT his real name or name on here) and we have been friends since October of 2011. Now I realized, He is FAKE! :O *Gasp* (DUN DUN DUN!!!) Well anyways what im telling you all is, dont let fake people into your life they really (excuse my language i dont like to swear alot) **** up your life like "Alex" did. So if you spot something just please dont be their friends (Its your choice) I dont want you guys to get mentally damaged and mentally abandoned like me. Soooo, Yeah just a heads up Guys Have a nice day!