The Place Where I'm Free


sonic doing sonic things

~Two Birds~


Golden Balloon Boi

don't know what i did lol
Flashback 😭😭


14.06.2023 21:39
LinkOne time a friend called me sensitive 😭 okay- so me and her and her friend were playing a game and they were like mean to each other and she said to me “yeah me and her are really mean to eachother because we’re like friends” and then I said “ but you’re not mean to me?” And then she was like “yeah but you seem like sensitive” and I was like shocked- and she didn’t mean it and felt bad so she left and then came back and she was like so sorry so I forgave her but I was like shocked that she called me that- 😭😭

14.06.2023 21:40
LinkThinking about it maybe I am sensitive lol 😂