

18.07.2024 18:30
Linki feel like i just cant support tifs anymore like. i cant do it. i cant sit here in my kiwifarms shirt and look at a female who cut her hair identify out of womanhood to attempt to escape misogyny and go oh boy just a normal youtube video for normal people

18.07.2024 18:35
Linki cant play along with women dragging all women back in time by perpetuating the myth that short hair = not woman, no makeup = not woman, not feminine = not woman. a woman can be anything she wants to be, she can be masculine, she can have a flat chest and a strong jaw and short hair, she can buzz her hair, she can work on cars, she can be confident and strong and not soft spoken. women are allowed to take up space and exist as women without modifying themselves for male approval or enjoyment (and, yes, a woman being harsh on you for not wearing makeup is a woman perpetuating MALE STANDARDS. standards for makeup or clear skin etc are male standards that women promote). women are allowed to have acne and not spend money on expensive skincare routines. women are allowed to not fixate on their appearance. women are allowed to exist, as women.

18.07.2024 18:41
Linktheres no such thing as identifying out of misogyny because misogyny is based on being female and female biology. sure, you can pretend to identify as a gender neutral not-woman and totally be exempt from misogyny, but men still know who to treat poorly because theyre female. female genital mutilation only happens to women because of their female biology, shaming of periods and period huts only happen because of female biology, women experience misogyny because they are female, not because of their presentation.
as a woman on tumblr put it (paraphrasing): "if femininity was what men hated, masculine women would be worshipped"
(and if anyone tries to say some shit about how men do like masculine women, lol no they dont, please exist as a butch for a bit and then get back to me)

18.07.2024 18:47
Linkanyways can you tell ive been on radblr lately. ive been trying to be more supportive of other women and just generally be more positive towards women. i know ive posted about being a positive person before and this site throws a shitfit about it but ive just been feeling soooooo positive and happy lately <3 like genuinely happy not oh boy ive never had a bad time ever shit but content. im stressed about some stuff but overall life is going well and im excited to move out and things can be hard sometimes but like. this too shall pass bros. ive seen so many cool plants and ecosystems lately and im trying to cram as many cool piedmont things into my last two weeks living in this physiographic province as possible (granitic flatrocks and hardpan forest next week!!!!!!!!). im just excited to do things and live life <3 and move to vtree and hopefully get to finally for real free myself of my high school ass personal baggage that i need to work on

18.07.2024 18:51
Linklike. the women on the internet call it a glow up or whatever but im not looking to change my appearance aside from perhaps solidify my wardrobe in a cohesive style(s) (i cant give up my hippie/ren faire clothes or my dark academia winter shit i must have two styles). i dont need to change my face or get my nails done or lose weight i am fine as it is. i dont need a flat stomach or abs or small thighs or what the shit. but its like graaaaah i want to be the most confident version of myself who is able to carry herself confidently and introduce herself as the name she actually wants to go by (not tiffing out just like my middle name better) and not play along with male delusions and be openly a cool, confident woman who doesnt care what other people think of her opinions. and like, maybe get into journaling or something

18.07.2024 18:56
Linklike. i want to have a playlist that makes me feel like a character in a movie, maybe it sounds corny but driving fast while the devil in his youth blares is such a VIBE its UNREAL. ive been listening to vibey music when i sit alone in the woods and its insane how much you feel like youre living the dream when youre listening to plantasia in the woods or at a body of water swimming and listening to fantasy gardens its SO PERFECT. and i want more of that vibe. i just want to romanticize the shit im doing already, and i think thats really going to be necessary to get through school. i gotta romanticize agribusiness and the shitty building im relegated to and zoom classes in the library i gotta. start a planner or something one of the pretty woman ones

18.07.2024 18:59
Linkalso i neeeeeeeeeeeeed more cassettes. i was listening to my tape player for the first time on tuesday when i was getting ready and like. the 80s life. the absolute vibe. so i need more tapes for my tape player