WWYD lmt
24.09.2020 22:35
LinkIf you type before i am done typing im not roleplaying with you
24.09.2020 22:37
LinkYour oc is in highschool and idk if they get bullied or not ((how ever you want their life to be like))and during lunch you see an girl choking on her lunch and nobody else is getting up to help her.instead they moved away cuz they thought she was spreading germs so she's just there d y i n g.uh wwyd?
This is riley btw
25.09.2020 15:09
LinkLimit cant Touch this
Comment removed
Riley:*she she chuckled nervously*s-sorry..and Roxxanne? oh she's doing fine.she just seems to always get herself into a lot of trouble-like one time she went into the zoo and set all the zebras free and rode them down the street-she said she wanted to go horse riding but they didn't have any horses so she used what she had.
((im gonna draw him soon but he gets bullied alot beacuase he is part werewolf HE AINT EVEN A WEREWOLF hes just part))
Lorke:*runs up to her and dose https://www.google.com/search?q=what+to+do+when+someone+is+choking&rlz=1CAPQVW_enUS900&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjRgLTU74LsAhVLiFkKHQfmAUYQ_AUoAXoECBQQAw&biw=1366&bih=649&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=kbjRWivbfUwXdM *
Lorke:I KNOW I BET I HAVENT EVEN FOUND THEM ALL ut this one is quite sad ....*the note reads * "My Dear Elizbath im sorry that i couldn't help you im so very sorry but i i can't live with what i did i i hurt you my dear i can't i can't if you read this i want you to know it wasn't you it was me " *there is a blood stain at the end and a doodle of a noose*