A small contest


01.07.2020 00:55
LinkJust a small contest just draw a custom dragon , wyvern , drake or something like that . You can make your own dragon or make a custom version of one that already exists . the winner will be the one I feel put the most work into theirs and the most passion . And making a description of your creature will get you bonus points . The prize is a redraw of the creature and I’ll also draw one of your ocs to , it won’t be that good though but remember this is just for fun , good luck

01.07.2020 00:58
LinkI’ll be Probably putting some ads for this.... Then Watch YouTube

01.07.2020 01:01
LinkBtw there’s really no End date but.... basically it will and after a few people finish . And when your done just put a link here and I’ll check it out