B☻MB - Zee-Rex


10.09.2018 00:14
LinkIt's Zee-rex.
I couldn't bear calling anyone else a dick...apart from maybe a few people.
Power: Her left arm came off and was replaced by a ****ing drill on a chain.
Rise to Evil: When she was 4 years old, she told 2nd dimension Doofenshmirtz's toy train, leading to his rise to evil. Eventually, the Doofenshmirtz we know took the train back to give it back to 2nd dimension Doof. Zee cried about it until it flooded the UK, killing millions. She found killing people was fun, so she severed her left arm and replaced it with a drill on a chain. Don't ask how it works. It just does.
wheeze this isnt that good i made it in about 5 minutes and it came out shit

10.09.2018 00:14
Linkfor this