

28.12.2018 04:32
LinkYeet, more unwanted information! (:< You know how I was talking about being misgendered, it happened again -_-. I went with my family to the "Big E" (a movie theater/ arcade) where I went on this "parkour playground thing". There was a few girls (who I won't mention names of other info for privacy reasons), they asked if was a boy and I said no. But, they continued to call me a boy.
For the record, I look nothing like a boy (at least I hope not). I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be rude, or make them mad and start drama.
Oh, but then, the other girl asked me to get their friend/cousin/sister (aka: I don't know their relation to each other) to go to them because they needed to talk to them, and guess what? About 2 minutes later the girl that I told to go to their *insert relation here* , they came up, AND KICKED ME IN THE ANKLE! There's your story

28.12.2018 04:34
Link(The struggle is real T-T)

28.12.2018 13:41
LinkThat's just mean. I would have told there mother