Ask Unnija


26.06.2018 06:25
LinkOk why is you animator a slut that has no life and enjoys being mean to people who did nothing to her
Comment removed

31.05.2019 13:24
LinkDude.. so what if she's mean we're not all the same, what r u about to do, cry cuz she mean? Exactly, except her life

31.05.2019 13:25
LinkYou know what, fangirl of sans, I'm a fanboy of icescream sandwich and tacos so what! Nobody makes fun of me and says my drawings r so bad I'm a 2 year old

31.05.2019 13:26
LinkOk maybe some r mean to me but me no care let her live her beautiful life

23.06.2019 03:38
LinkD a m n K o l b e s

02.07.2019 10:55
Comment removed

Look, I see your attacked by people but just so you know, you can be a good drawer as long as you keep practicing and trying. I will admit you can be a rude girl and attack people that art has some more quality then yours, but you shouldn’t. A good artist is someone who is not judgemental about others art and doesn’t criticizes them. It’s more better to say “Your art is good BUT maybe you could fix blah blah blah...” instead of insulting it. Also a good artist, and you should take this as advice, try different things as well as asks for feedback, and gets influences online as in looks at other people’s art and try to draw what their drawing example if I’m looking at someone’s really well down hand, I would take their small details and add it to my drawn hand to make it better. These are just advice and I’m not looking for s fight, I would just like to suggest to stop criticizing other people’s art and use what they have as feedback or help in your drawings. Again I’m not trying to fight,

Oh,this is decent, its really good, but i advise you to give it more time and effort, you can take your time with having more frames, and giving it more detail, i wish you best of luck and you can try different styles of animation and art, you don't need arms or hands, and the face doesn't need to much detail, but i advise if it has fur or hair give it more texture and just give it slight details and a good color palette! it just makes the animation more vibrant and alive, most of these types of animations are still decent, and are good for testing, sketches, sh*tposts, and also random funny memes. i support you and just have fun with it, if you need any help with advise like a palette or texture references just comment on this poll.