so- my account's dead


12.11.2020 07:27

12.11.2020 07:30
LinkFirstly, i just wanted to say that i haven't be able to get on fa as much,because stupid wifi and gateway shit-
Secondly, i haven't really had- any motivation- im having really bad art block too kfowjfoejif i just- can't draw anything?? So most of my posts are gonna be shitposts till i get inspired or have motivation again-
Thirdly, fjeojcoej i miss alot of you guys,,
Especially sam xojeodjd 💖 and im sorry for not being able to come online,, ill try to get back on as soon as i can-

12.11.2020 07:33
Linklastly ig,my mental health hasn't been too great-
Ive been having alot of intrusive thoughts- and stuff- school and stress- doesn't help- so,, yeah- and rapid mood swings suck so fosjoxje

12.11.2020 07:40
LinkGotta head to school soon- sorry if i disappear fkejkfjdi

12.11.2020 07:42
Linkack- he's offline but,, ilyvm sam 👉👈💖