29.01.2023 02:24
Linkbecause I deleted the other one oops

29.01.2023 02:25
LinkRules: 1-No killing ocs
2- must be a Wings of Fire oc
3- specify how fair into the series you've read (Ex all arc 1, the whole series, only book 1 ext)
4- specify important traits your character has (Royalty, mind reading, ect)
5- as always keep it 13+

29.01.2023 02:25
LinkCharacter Info:
Name: Immortal
Age: 9
Tribe: Dominantly seawing, but is also part rainwing and icewing
Powers/other extra bits: Animus, better than most seawing in colder climates, bioluminescent scales shift color, breath underwater, okay night vision, and tail is wip like (no spines though)
Personality: Bold and confident. She's obsessed with history and her sense of justice. She wants to fix what she sees and injustices in the past.

29.01.2023 02:26
LinkPrompt (Happens after all the arcs, PLEASE specify where you are in the series so I don't spoil anything):
Your oc has been friends with the hybrid seawing princess. And due to this has been invited to a party, after a while you two find each other. You begin to talk, and after a while you notice that she has a glint in her eye, and your oc asks about what she's thinking. She replies asking your oc if they want to rewrite the history, WWYD?

Ok- I have not read all the books but idc ab spoilers bc im reading books i have not read now so :P but all they are is a normal seawing thats larger then normal, also wings are bigger than normal seawings. thats it //
Anglar: W-what? *They stood there confused* What do you mean about "rewrite the history"?

I have read all the way to book 13
She is an animus and is a bit bigger than most and is also part of the royal family
She smirks “what where you thinking to do”

terrible REF
name: Dumortierite
age: 14
tribe: Icewing seawing
abilities: can breath under water and breath short sparks of frost breath
personality and stuff: Strong brave clean scales ever often in frigid cold waters has serrated claws unsure of self and umm yeah love dragonest and hunting

*She waved a claw dismissively.* “Easily fixable! Another spell that tells us not to do something that could lead to that happening! Like a ring tall heat up if your about to affect yourself negatively in the future no matter what that may be! It could even give you a vision of what your doing so you know what NOT to do!”

*She huffed.* “I am NOT a bossy face! So much so that I won’t tell you not to call me that again and only that I would rather you not.” *She was still smiling obviously just joking around.* “Anyway- what do you think would be the best thing to enchant? Perhaps a scroll for the whole making sure we still exist thing-“