about Bertelles family
06.09.2020 18:35
06.09.2020 18:38
LinkSo, introducing the family:
Belle: like alone time, doesn’t talk to much people, but when she does she can seem pretty sarcastic, but she’s just a cutie outside and inside, just afraid to show it. She’s only got one friend, who’s name I forgot sorry. But she’s super sweet to Belle!! Good friends.
Finn: really likes nature. Spends time outside most of the day. He sometimes kinda feels like he’s an odd-one-out because he’s the only on without lion qualities. He gets a little intimidated by his sister and momther, but that’s just because their lion instincts. But Bertram is super kind and soft and they bond together so well
06.09.2020 18:39
LinkStill typing
06.09.2020 18:44
LinkBertram: from Noels perspective, Bert is kind and soft, he doesn’t raise his voice often, and is protective over his kids, but not the annoying kind of protective. He makes sure Noel doesn’t make any stupid decisions like letting babies hold knives so something, because Noel is still trying to figure out the whole being a mom thing. Bert helps a lot with the family, and honestly, I see him as the cook in the family. Noel only eats chicken jerky. LEARN SOMETHIGN NOEL. YOU ARE A MOTHER.
Noel: aka, Cool Mom Noel. She still acts like a teenager, and doesn’t realize that her kids are starving. But then again, Noel is also learning and experiencing. She can get a little sassy sometimes, but gets nervous when she is in charge. Trying to get rid of her fears and be the adult. Noel loves Bert and her kids. But she’s gotta learn some responsibility
06.09.2020 18:49
LinkFUN FACTS: Bert became vegan just for his son. He tries to convert Noel and Belle into being vegan, but Noel LOVES her chicken jerky. Belle is kinda ok with it, but to balance her carnivore diet she needs at least a few meats every weekend. Ofc, Noel will t r y one piece of broccoli in a while.
Also, you might be wondering, how does this world work? Well, the only meats they can eat are turkey, chicken, quail, and any other small plump birds. They don’t eat cows, sheep, pigs, just small birds. In this world, there are no anthro talking birds, they don’t speak and are feral forest creatures. Some Furry people in this world can have bird like qualities, but not a full pure bird.
06.09.2020 18:52
LinkSo Taco can’t exist in this world, he is full pure berd
06.09.2020 19:05
Belle:13 yo
I will donate money
Also auntie Lantern is willing to do free babysitting so Bert doesn’t die from responsibility and Noel starved the children
noel, it's considered unfriendly to starve ur children. plz don't let them starve to death. thank you.
hi I am back from unexpected break uh!!!!!
first I love your pfp, Noel is the coolest. she’d be the mom who brings oranges to soccer practice for everyone
second!!!! this is pretty accurate for Bert.... he is big cuddly liondeer man. except I feel like he wouldn’t be vegan aa
he is lion...
but it’s ok if that doesn’t work!!! I’d be fine, it’s not a big deal if he eats chimken or not
Bro, but Bert has to be the caring father who wants his son to be happy and turn vegan against his own thoughts. He is a role model, and becoming vegan will help Finn feel like his father cares about him so much
But then again, lions do need their regular meat diet so!!! Every weekend they go to Wendy’s and get their chicken salads ;)