i just thimk that uhhh


31.07.2021 08:03
Linkbaxk on my creature shit
creature james facts time

31.07.2021 08:08
Linkok so uhhhhh talking abt me like they are anotherperson no thats just james doing that hahahahahabdn
creature stuff !! likes the cheesy horror sterotype of bad guy chasing down good guys so they like to make it as scary as possible for their victim !! playing with their food :-)
likes using tools to replace arms or limbs :-) he thinks its funny to have haha cool prothsetic bc he can do that hohohohoh
lieks to do this to victims by like. haha sqush tool into arm replace bone now we are matchign :-)
doesnt like clothes but does have decency
favoritr toos are chainsaw and hatchet
hates hot tempatured bc flsh downedt stick together as well and sweat :-(
teeth collection …