- create flipbook animations online!
the internet sucks
12.05.2024 08:04
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having a bad mental health is a competition now among young kids on yhe internet and like its terrible because i myself i have personal experience with the same thing and like. it ****in g sucks ???? like hello ?? for me personally its exactly because of this that i havent been trying to recover or ehatever but i havent been intentionally getting worse because im not sure what i want ! its genuinely so sad that the internet has things like for example s/h normalized like. no. kids Arent supposed to see this and copy it and think its normal. Sh ISNt normal and itll only make you suffer. again i have experience with this and genjinely ?? it sucks and even tho i wasnt addicted or anything i can empathize with others about it and no this shit should NOT be normalized online and kids should not be trying it out like . people need to educate them this is a matter of health bro. anyway sum it up the internet sucks go offline its better (im hypocritical but whateverr)
12.05.2024 08:05
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go touch grass everypony!!! spend time with your friends and family !! dont b like me!
12.05.2024 08:20
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AND AND also!!! judging from my perspective and like in my country idk about others but like. the representation for bad mental health (specifically in terms of the sh factor) SUCKS ASS. like no!!! recovery is NOT THAT EASY. and this like really pisses me off because ok bud i get youre trying to spread awareness but yhe representation is dogshit. sure maybe it works for some people but in reality if your parents were to find out yiu cvt and confronted you about it and shit like?? how tf you keep your composure well enough to go “oh yeah it was wrong im sorry i wont do it again” its not that easy. it is not that ****ing easy hello.
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