comment 4 my opinion on u
13.09.2021 13:58
Linkyou prolly dont know me lmao
13.09.2021 13:59
Linknot really, but ve seen ur post, u seem like ur a cool person
13.09.2021 14:36
Linkalright ill take it
Oh! I made this MTA for people who wants to get to know me- You can look at it if you want. If you have ANY questions or requests I SWEAR I will answer them. I also just wanna remind you that I'll be here for you, alright? If you need to talk and get something off of your chest, I'll be happy to help you! UwU
UAAAAHHH WHATT sdjgnsjgnaoigds I didNT ExcpEct thIS
I love your art style and personality in every way, you never fail to amaze me with your art and when you talk to me, you were one of the very first people I met and are one of the reasons I stay in flip, and the reason I don't regret coming here, You are one of my best friends on flip even if sometimes we don't talk to each other because we are off and on at different times. If it hadn't been for you I might have left flip thanks to its drama and stuff.
Ok but before you say smth i wanna say it first
you're genuinely one of my top-tier best friends no sht man you make me feel better every time we talk