Guy gets possessed
Senpai Squiddy
Orange's Power Demonstration
.=~ Ice Cream ~=.
155 frames! Enjoy! 😸
New Profile Thingy 4
23.08.2020 16:52
Linkyou are a sophomore student and when it is the first day of summer break,but before it was,3 days before summer break,your teacher mrs.richardson gave you and your class a permission slip to a place called sunny comedian camp,and you sign it and now you and your class are going to the trip,you reach to the trip and it took till 4:56 PM to get there since it was very far away,the boss mr.davis tells you,mrs.richardson and your classmate to tell the safety first,so you,mrs.richardson and your classmate goes to a canoe while mrs.richardson is talking about the safety first,you saw something shiny what do you do?