!!! read please !!!


10.10.2022 05:03
Linkummm hi
first thing first, happy bday reigen-

10.10.2022 05:04
Linknow the important stuff, my grandma died two weeks ago anddd im not doing greatt. my parents bought me an Ipad so imagine how sad i was--
i dont think i'll draw that much anymore, maybe if i feel better i'll finish all the unfinished animations i have.

10.10.2022 05:05
Linkthis was my first time experiencing the death of a family member, i went to the graveyard today. well idk what to say anymore, everything is weird now, my mom is really sad and my grandpa keeps uploading pictures of my grandma and idkk it just feels so weird
anyway, i made this just to say goodbye, also i didn't use google translator so if i said something wrong ignore it (andd i made this on the Ipad, i have no idea how to ****ing use thus)

11.10.2022 03:57
LinkI feel you, my grandma died in December 2020, it felt so weird, it’s like she wasn’t gone, but she was. The funeral was sad but also not sad at the same time. 2020-2021 was strange all around.

09.11.2022 16:07