- create flipbook animations online!
-Who saves the hero?-
26.03.2022 10:27
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He felt a sharp pain in his temples, ricocheting through his mind. He let out a soft groan in pain, starting to slowly come to consciousness. finally, Zero opened his eyes. Strangely, he was only met with darkness. he weakly lifted his head, glancing around, though quickly regretted it. His head went spinning, it felt like his brain way doing somersaults in his skull. When he tried to pull his hands to his head, he finally registered something tight woven around each wrist. His skin under the wraps were pressing against something cold. Come to think of it, so was his back. His arms were wrapped around something metal behind him. He sighed softly, trying to ground himself and his mind. When he felt himself slowly calm. he tried to faze his wrists out of the rope. No luck. "what the hell...?" he muttered quietly "ah, you're awake!" a familiar males voice started happily from somewhere in the dark. dread quickly filled Zero's chest. "Xylin,,," he muttered with his realization. it was the damned
26.03.2022 10:27
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villain. "Thats my name, cont wear it out," he purred. Lights turned on and Zero hissed out in pain ashe shut his eyes, the backs of them burning now. "Let me go, Xylin!" Zero shouted "Fat chance," the man chuckled, eyes on his own corrupted hand, picking at the talon, "You're my bait." "for who." Zero hissed. "well." he started with a chuckle, looking to him. "Your parents of course," he ourred, "they think its you or a building." it'd be days. days of Zero tied to that pole. Days of him waiting for saving that never came. Finally, the man walked back in, looking at him with a frown. Zero's cheeks were streaked with tears that'd fallen long before. When he'd first made the realization. it seems Xylin finally came to the same conclusion. He walked over and behind him as he silently started to undo the ropes. "what are you doing...?" Zero mumbled weakly "freeing you,,," he mumbled, looking at the ground, "I-i'm sorry,,,I thought they'd come..." he muttered.
26.03.2022 10:27
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as he helped the shorter man out the room again, he glaced ofer at the tv that was still playing the news. The two heros claimed they'd tried to save their son, but he hadn't been anywhere in sight. That they were pretty sure he was gone. Zero's eyes turned to the ground. "They never looked, did they...?" "...no..." the man admitted
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