- create flipbook animations online!
ChApTeR nInE
10.02.2021 18:20
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Croy sat in the clearing, watching the tongues of flame dance on the wood, occasionally adding another stick. The faint dappled glow of the moon above the waters danced on the tree tops, making the trees look like a sea under the sea. Croy looked over at Void’s cave thoughtfully. Yeah, Void was strong, but he seemed really defeated. Not only that but his father was the one who ruined Croy’s life. Croy was torn. He knew Void was a good person, and nothing like his father, but, was he? Don’t judge a person on their background Or their looks. Void looked intimidating. Especially because of his height. But, to Croy’s surprise, he was very nice. First impressions are not always right. They hardly are. Croy sighed, looking up at the trees. They were whispering among themselves, their leaves rustling to try and hide the sounds of their ancient voices.
10.02.2021 18:20
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The rock has cracked. It’ll make him stronger. He’s just a fawn… He’s also a tree-folk. There's another tree folk listening to us right now. The trees went silent. Croy sighed, frustrated. “What do you mean?” The trees didn’t respond. Croy huffed, looking into the flames again. There seemed to be three figures in the flame, and one fell. The other two grew, a crown on one’s head. Croy blinked, looking into the flame. The figures were gone. Croy shook his head. “I’m seeing things. Great.” In the distance, he heard the warning cry of a raven. Croy looked up, looking in the woods. Shadows danced in the trees, then everything was still.
10.02.2021 18:22
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The air seemed to thicken around Croy. He stood up, about to let out a warning shout, but something stopped him. He found a gag around his mouth, tied tightly around his head. Croy panicked, turning around. A shadow lept at him with a rope, quickly binding him. Croy thrashed, trying to fight, but his attempts were feeble. The shadow being dragged Croy to a tree, and tied him up there. More shadow beings slipped out from the trees, and that's when Croy realized the attackers were humans in suits, wearing masks. One of them, the tallest of the group, took a stick from the dying fire and tossed it into Spirit’s cave. She screamed, running out of the cave instantly. She locked eyes with Croy in horror. The attackers swarmed her, she fought them. She managed to kick one in the jaw, the impact making a loud snap. Croy winced.
10.02.2021 18:23
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Soon, Spirit was bound and tied right next to Croy. They didn’t gag her. They didn’t have time. Void had woken to the sound of Spirit’s scream, and was standing outside of the cave he was in. His wound from earlier was infected, and that was clear. The attackers started attacking him, but none of them were able to get close. Void fought viciously, knocking a few out, but it was clear he did not want to kill any one. One of the masked attackers had a large club and snuck up behind Void, ready to strike. “Void!” Spirit yelled “Look out!” Void looked at her, pausing. The attackers took advantage of the opportunity, and the club smacked the back of his head with a heavy “thud”. Void crumpled to the ground, twitching, then going still. The attackers swarmed over him, binding him up tightly.
10.02.2021 18:23
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Croy watched in horror as this all played out, guilt filling his head, and buzzing in his chest. The people who were not seriously injured by Void walked up to the tree Croy and Spirit were tied to, untying them from the tree. One managed to put a gag on Spirit and took them away from the clearing, taking all three’s possessions. Croy couldn’t look at Void, ashamed that he couldn’t do better. He was supposed to keep watch. This was all his fault.
10.02.2021 18:24
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{Annnd thats nine. i have nothing else pre written soooooooooooooooooooo uh it will take a while.}
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