

04.07.2021 20:27
LinkWas it really worth all the war? All the fighting for eventually just coming to the same political system except one has better healthcare (and it ain’t the USA)? All the genocide we never talk about because we were responsible for it? We still celebrate the American equivalent of Nazis, commemorated as statues. We think of ourself as “the best nation” despite being nowhere near the top. In military? Maybe. In obesity cases? Definitely.
Now about the genocide.
Andrew Jackson was by far the most racist, benevolent president in US history. He was responsible for the Trail of Tears, along with the genocide of millions of native Americans.
And he’s on the $20 bill.
We celebrate “freedom” as our defining quality despite most other developed nations being more “free” than ours.
Our financial greed has ruined not only the economy, but the planet as well. While China is the main producer of pollutants, we are the ones buying the products which are a byproduct of said pollutant.
Meaning, the pollution is a -

04.07.2021 20:31
Link- result of America paying China to mass produce products for them. We’re 20 something trillion dollars in debt to China alone, because we’d rather spend money on military than national debt. Militarism is another issue; we attack third-world nations with bare minimum defenses for their resources, so we can grow even more rich. Military for any purpose other than defense against someone already attacking, is derived from greed.
America is fueled by greed.

04.07.2021 20:33
LinkRant over for now.