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Medicine meme (Eddsworld AU)
25.04.2021 19:11
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This is an AU I made, where Jon is a neko!! I'll type up the backstory in a sec-
25.04.2021 19:22
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((SPOILER ALERT FOR EDDSWORLD: THE END PART 1 AND 2)) So basically, the giant robot incident happens and shit, and yeah, Jon dies, but for some reason, when he turns into a ghost, cat ears plop out of his head and a cat tail forms on the back of his waist. He doesn't even realize that he's a ghost though, until he hears Eduardo saying that Jon is dead, and then jon gets so startled that he lets out an adorable little eep, and he got so startled that he returned to his normal body, the missile scars healing within seconds. But, this time, he has cat ears and a cat tail in his normal form now for some reason, and Eduardo is so confused, but he goes along with it. (Jonuardo ahead, if you don't like it, don't keep reading)
25.04.2021 19:25
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Eduardo says how he never got to confess to Jon and he felt so guilty for it when Jon died, and Jon felt the same way, so Jon kissed Eduardo on the cheek and they started dating. It was adorable as hell- But anyways, that happens, but Tom and Tord, meanwhile, are both in the hospital, definitely injured. But, they were just side by side next to eachother... Big mistake. Tom got up and tryed to escape, just because Tord was nearby, though (Tomtord ahead-) they soon started dating in secret, and soon made it no longer a secret. The rest isn't important lmfao, but yeah, that's the AU that I made!!
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