All of my Fears.
30.06.2019 20:33
LinkNyctophobia~ Fear of the dark.
Pediophobia~ Fear of Dolls.
Phonophobia/Ligyrophobia~ Fear of loud noises.
Phobophobia~ The fear of fear itself.
Athazagoraphobia~ The fear of being forgotten.
Taphephobia~ The fear of being buried alive.
Acrophobia~ The fear of heights.
Philophobia~ The fear of falling in love.
Thantophobia~ The fear of death or dying.
Agoraphobia~ The fear of crowded spaces.
Arachnophobia~ The fear of spiders.
Claustrophobia~ The fear of small spaces.
Astraphobia/Ceraunophobia/Tonitrophobia/ Brontophobia~ The fear of lightning and thunder (big storms).
Trypophobia~ The fear of holes/falling in holes.
Aerophobia~ The fear of flying.
Carcinophobia~ The fear of Cancerous diseases.
Xenophobia~ The fear of unknown things/what’s lying beyond.
Haphephobia~ The fear of being touched in certain situations.
30.06.2019 20:33
LinkAnd the fear of needles.
30.06.2019 20:35
LinkI have some of them. You fell in love tho
30.06.2019 20:36
LinkExactly. I'm still afraid. Constant ****ing fear, he'll cheat, break my heart, hurt me.. Always afraid..
30.06.2019 20:37
LinkIm asexual...
30.06.2019 20:41
LinkWell I'm taken.. And afraid.. Lmao.
30.06.2019 20:42
LinkOki Doki
Hee hee my heart beats when- wait a sec
30.06.2019 20:43