- create flipbook animations online!
I tell u in da comments
08.01.2020 04:30
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So I went to a get-together with my friends. So 3 of my friends made a proformace when me and my friend (Might know her as Marshespony) walked into the yard. My friends that were there were, Cakacat127 and her twin, Marshespony, and one other friend who doesn't have an account, so I'll call her 'Crystal'. This was all at Crystal's house. So we first made ramen, dumplings and spring rolls (They were all candy/gummies), then we ate dinner. After dinner we were talking about role playing a school day, where each of us taught a class and gave homework. Then we had dessert, a sundae. When Crystal went to go get ready to role play, Marshespony spilled a bit of chocolate ice cream on her Mha shirt, which landed on Deku's glove. We made jokes about MHA and we couldn't stop cracking up. We started role playing once Crystal got back. I made a joke on something Marshespony had said and around 7pm (over here, where I live) I got picked up by my dad.
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